Are you an older Jewish adult, or do you have a loved one, who needs transportation services? The Jewish Family Service of Akron is your gateway to the Silver J-Ticket program offers transportation services for Jewish individuals 62 and older who wish to remain safe in their homes. This program is made possible through a grant provided by the Albert L. and Janet A. Schultz Endowment for Jewish Programming and the Jewish Community Board of Akron.
JFS provides house cleaning through the Silver J Ticket. List of cleaning tasks that can be performed by Lily home Care includes: Vacuuming, washing floors, garbage removal, cleaning and sanitation of sinks, faucets, showers, tubs and counters, and other cleaning agreed upon by Akron JFS and Lily Home Care.
Nonmedical, personal care duties performed by a home health aide through Lily Home Care include:
Home Health Service Fees
JFS will provide a partial subsidy for each three-hour visit. A client receives up to 12 visits per year. You are expected to pay your fees in full before a home health aide comes to your home.
How do I register for this program?
To register for this program, please contact the Jewish Family Service office at 330-867-3388.
If you must cancel an appointment, please do so at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments that are canceled less than four hours prior to the scheduled time will be charged the normal hourly rate for a 1.5 hour minimum. Please contact Lily Home Care at 330-869-0806.
Do you need a ride to synagogue services or events? Doctors' appointments, grocery store or medication pick-up? Maybe you'd like to attend a Jewish social or educational event? Let us do the driving for you!